COM Sports Car Club provides the highest quality track time and the best instruction in the Northeast
For New Drivers
Your first track day? No problem! You’ll have four full 20-minute sessions on track that will allow you to learn the track as well as work on technique. Our instructors work one-on-one with you and get you up to speed faster.
An additional four classroom sessions allow you to review and reinforce techniques while learning the ins and outs of each track.
Our instructors are the best in the business – our average instructor has over 15,000 laps of instruction experience!
The best part? Unlike other clubs, we limit registration numbers so you’re not stuck in traffic all day!
For Experienced Drivers
Are you a seasoned track day participant or even a wheel to wheel racer? COMSCC HPDE days allow you to sharpen your skills or learn a new track.
Our diverse Time Trial classes are extremely competitive and a few tenths can often mean the difference between a win and being off the podium!
Join the Club
1. Create a MotorsportReg (MSR) account:

If you already have an MSR account, skip this step.
- Go to MotorsportReg.com and in the upper right click Create Free Account.
2. Connect Your MSR Account With COMSCC:

- On MSR, under Club Memberships add COM Sports Car Club
3. Purchase membership & register for events

- Sign up for an event (membership fee will be added), or simply Purchase the Annual Membership.
$50 Off
New members get a $50 off their first and second events with the MotorsportReg
User Discount code: COMSCC-FIRST-TIME-2024
4. Submit Your Car Classification, Read the Rules

Once you have signed up for an event, visit our Rules and regulations section. Within that section, you will be able to download the car classification spreadsheet, classify your car and submit it for your upcoming event. Be sure to also read the rules.
If you need further assistance please email membership@comscc.org.