Classing sheets to be used for our time trial
If you car hasn’t been modified too greatly from “showroom stock”, you are likely going to be using the Touring Classification Tool. Most of our competitors do. If however the car is largely modified, such as having a larger engine or swapped engine or otherwise has heavy upgrades, you will likely be using the Super Class Classification Tool.
Visit the rules section of our forums if you would like to join in on the discussions or contact our chief steward directly.
Classing Your Car
Classing sheets use Microsoft Excel. If you do not have Excel or have troubles using the tool, please reach out to our chief steward as we are happy to help you class your car.
(Last updated 03/21/2025 V 13.2)
Touring is most commonly used unless the car has been largely modified, such as having a larger engine or swapped engine.
(Last updated 03/21/2025 V 1.0)
Super Class is commonly used for highly modified vehicles. This takes into account power to weight ratio among other variables. You can download both sheets and make a decision from there.
(Last updated 03/21/2025 V 1.0)
COM Spec GLTC as a brand new class starting in 2024. Download this excel file to calculate how you fit into this class.
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Rules and Definitions
Flag Definitions

Green Flag
Session is open. Passing is allowed in designated passing zones.

Yellow Flag
Be alert. There is something that requires your attention. NO PASSING is permitted until past next manned flag station that is not displaying any Yellow Flag(s).
Note: A standing yellow flag usually means there is something that requires your attention (debris, or a car) which is off line. During timed runs, you are still on the clock.
Warning, slow down. Prepare to take evasive action. There is something on-line which you will need to avoid. Be prepared to stop if necessary. NO PASSING is permitted until past next manned flag station that is not displaying any Yellow Flag(s).
Note: During timed runs, the clock will stop and you will be allowed a re-run.

Black Flag
Session is closed. All cars complete current lap and pull into the pits. NO PASSING is permitted.
Warning. You are driving in an unsafe manner or there is a mechanical issue with your car. NO PASSING is permitted, pull into the pits for consultation

Checkered Flag
Session is over. Complete current lap and pull into the pits.

Red Flag
Emergency! Come to an immediate and controlled stop on the side of the track, in a safe location, and in view of a flag station. Be aware that emergency vehicles may be on the track.
Stay stopped and in your car. Once the situation has been dealt with, and the corner workers feel it is safe, all of the flag stations will pull in their Red Flags and display either Black or Yellow Flags. At this point you should proceed cautiously to the pits and wait for further instruction.
Note: WATCH YOUR MIRRORS while stopping to avoid being hit from behind.

Passing Advisory Flag
Another vehicle is catching you and/or following closely. Be aware! Do not change your line. If the vehicle is faster than you, it is recommended that you indicate which side you prefer to be passed on by motioning with your hand in that direction.

Debris Flag
Caution. Oil or debris on the track, be mindful that a slippery condition may be present.
Note: The Debris Flag may only be shown for 2-3 laps. Once the corner worker feels that all drivers are aware of the situation they may pull the Debris Flag in. This does not mean that the condition has been cleared up. It just means that the corner worker is confident that you are aware of the situation.

White Flag
This is the last lap. This is still a full lap, and you expect to see the checkered flag next lap.

Mechanical Black Flag (Meatball)
Pull into the pits; there are mechanical problems with your car that must be corrected before you can continue. You must receive clearance from the Tech Inspector or Starter before returning to the course.
Note: During timed runs this is a DID-NOT-FINISH (DNF).